1 PETER 2:13-17
“Therefore submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake, whether to the king as supreme, or to governors, as to those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and for the praise of those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
”I Peter 2:13-17 NKJV
When Peter told his readers to respect all human authority, he was speaking of the Roman Empire under Nero, a notorious cruel tyrant. That's not to say, he was telling believers to compromise their consciences; as Peter had told the high priest years earlier, "We must always obey God rather than any human authority" (ACTS 5:29).
It was possible in most aspects of daily life to live according to the law of their land.
In today's world, some Christians live in freedom while others live under repressive governments. The truth is, our freedoms are systematically being taken away as the day of the Lord is approaching.
In recent times, the rules and restrictions placed on our daily lives should be seen as a wake up call that we should be ready for the return of Jesus Christ.
We believers are all commanded to cooperate with rulers as far as our conscience will allow. We are to do this, "for the Lord's sake", so that His Good News and His people will be not breaking moral or civil laws.
But that doesn’t mean we should stop assembling for worship and fellowship, or preaching God’s Word. That would be contradictory of God’s Word (HEBREWS 10:25).
Christians have freedom in Christ, but the apostles defined freedom more narrowly than the normal use of the word in common language.
Christians use freedom as a tool for a life of exuberant service. It's the foundation that God gives to us to reach our highest potential. Therefore because God gives us freedom from religious rules and eternal guilt, we must not seek to indulge in our own desires, but rather should reach for the best God has for us.
We believers are not free to do as we please, but rather to serve God-to become bond servants to Christ, which is a personal choice to selflessly volunteer ones service to God in total submission according to His will.
Many believers have their own ideas of how they want to serve; but the truth is, Jesus is the head and we believers are individual parts of His body and each have a part to play (1 CORINTHIANS 12:12-31).
Therefore our service to Him must be according to His plans and purposes, as should our prayers. Rather than praying according to “my opinion” or for “my will” to be done, we believers must pray for “God’s will” to be done. Jesus demonstrates this in the Lord’s Prayer (MATHEW 6:9-13).
My beloved, it is He who must choose your words in prayer, your paths, and your assignments not you.
What is the point of a body made up of all the same parts-a dancer cannot dance well with two left feet.
If one chooses his own path or calling it will be in vain; indeed he may even find himself in the belly of a giant fish as did Jonah (JONAH 1:17).
Submit and allow your freedom to sing power, joy, and love, accountable to God while devoted to serving Him and others by the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Only then can the body of Christ (the church) come together in unity like a well oiled machine to achieve God’s plans and purposes by the leading of the head, Jesus Christ.
All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.