PSALM 63:1-5
“O God, You are my God; Early will I seek You; My soul thirsts for You; My flesh longs for You In a dry and thirsty land Where there is no water. So I have looked for You in the sanctuary, To see Your power and Your glory. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You while I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My soul shall be satisfied as with marrow and fatness, And my mouth shall praise You with joyful lips.
”Psalms 63:1-5 NKJV
David, while hiding from his enemies in the barren wilderness of Judah, was intensely lonely. He was in need of a friend who he could trust to ease his loneliness. It’s no surprise that he cried out to God, “O God my soul thirsts for you.”
Most of us feel lonely at times; especially when going through troubles and tribulations. It can feel like no one cares enough to even notice. But I encourage you, when you are feeling down and alone, or are maybe thirsty for something good and lasting in your life, remember David’s prayer; For God alone can satisfy our deepest needs.
Show your dependence on Him, lift up your hands in worship, praise Him from your mouth, and give thanks with a joyful heart.
My brethren, taste and see how the Lord is good (PSALM 34:8).
In this world today, we are facing the most fearful times in history; we are witness and victim to manufactured pestilence, and the fear driven by our world leaders to put into place controls and restrictions in our daily lives . We are facing wars, extreme energy cost, and our financial systems are crashing. We see unemployment and the closure of businesses, the corruption is in the highest levels of world leadership, our health systems are failing and our freedoms are systematically being taken away.
But I encourage you my beloved, God is in control and He never stops working; He will never allow us to be tested more than we can stand (1 CORINTHIANS 10:13).
“Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.”
II Corinthians 3:17 NKJV
God is in control, and however dark this world may become, we will always remain free in Christ. Furthermore, we already have the victory through Christ who is our strength (1 CORINTHIANS 15:57).
The devil may think he has victory, but the truth is, his eternal place is already decided and ““The Lord shall reign forever and ever.””
Exodus 15:18 NKJV
O Lord, as David said, “When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches. Because You have been my help, Therefore in the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice. My soul follows close behind You; Your right hand upholds me. But those who seek my life, to destroy it, Shall go into the lower parts of the earth. They shall fall by the sword; They shall be a portion for jackals. But the king shall rejoice in God; Everyone who swears by Him shall glory; But the mouth of those who speak lies shall be stopped.”
Psalms 63:6-11 NKJV
All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.