MATHEW 23:11-12
“But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant. And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.
”Matthew 23:11-12 NKJV
People see greatness in things like riches and status, but Jesus challenges societies norms.
To Him greatness comes from a humble serving heart.
Jesus came into this earth in human form and humbled Himself as a slave, giving up His divine privileges as something to cling to, as He lived His human life here on earth (PHILIPPIANS 2:5-8).
Furthermore, He died a sinners death on a cross, paying the debt of the world’s sin, even though He never sinned that we might live-including many of those who had formerly passed away in sin (1 PETER 3:18-20).
Jesus is above all creation; He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords (1 TIMOTHY 6:15; REVELATION 17:14), indeed He is our Almighty God.
He needs nothing, and has nothing to gain by saving us, yet purely out of love, He humbly came and suffered to the point of death to save the world (JOHN 3:16).
Can you imagine a king or queen of today bathing the feet of his or her staff? No way, it doesn’t happen. But Jesus humbly bathed the feet of His disciples (JOHN 13:12) and symbolically yours and mine too.
This was not simply to get them and us today to be nice to one another. By far, His greater goal was to extend His mission here on earth after He had gone, giving us an example of love to follow. His disciples back then and today are to move in the world serving God by the leading of the Holy Spirit (JOHN 24:15-18), humbly helping and encouraging one another, working together in unity, serving all people with the view of sharing the Good News of Salvation, and supporting others through life’s trials and challenges, that we all have opportunity to reach the ultimate goal of eternal life.
Not everyone will be saved, but all shall have opportunities.
Many will choose darkness, but they must at least hear the Good News and have opportunity of the gift life.
My brethren, Jesus is the example to follow. Not one of us can do anything lasting without Him.
Of course we should recognise the good works of our brothers and sisters in Christ, and encourage them with kind words, but we must not put them on pedestal that steals God’s glory. We can all bath in God’s glory, but we cannot steal it.
It is our natural inclination to seek status and credibility, but the truth is, we are all sinners and can do nothing good and lasting without Christ.
Surely it is time to let go of all selfish ambition and pride, and humble ourselves before God, and recognise that without Him, we are nothing.
It is He alone who is deserving of all praise, glory, and honour; for it is not I who does it, but Christ who lives in me.
All glory to God forever and ever! Amen.